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Writer's pictureIshwar Nakum

Psychology of Shapes in Logos

Everything we see is composed of shapes, and our understanding of shapes and their significance is crucial to how we perceive the world. Since they are so common, the majority of visual artists begin learning how to draw by constructing or dissecting images into fundamental geometry. However, shapes serve as more than just useful, functional tools; they also serve as a means by which designers can convey ideas graphically.

Most Commonly used shapes include the following:

1. Square

2. Rectangle

3. Triangle

4. Circles

5. Vertical and horizontal Lines

6. Curved Shapes

7. Abstract Shapes

8. Spirals

9. Natural / Organic Shapes

Meaning behind the shapes

1. Square:

Square basically portrays physical balance to any design or logo. The four corners of a square hold reality in the center, representing the natural laws. Along with conveying a sense of dependability and security, the square also stands for balance and structure. Square is popular among marketers and designers because it conveys a sense of security. Due to its adaptable form, you can easily produce brand assets like infographics, social media posts, and images with a pronounced silhouette. Squares have multiple personality connotations, including dependability and sternness.

Some Examples of Square logos are:

Instagram, BBC, Microsoft, Cartoon Network, etc.

2. Rectangle:

Being associated with items like houses, safes, and boxes where things are kept safe, rectangles are frequently considered as a symbol of dependability and toughness. The straight lines and angles also convey a sense of professionalism and order, and they are great for exuding a sense of power and stability.

The prolonged four corners of the rectangle make it a perfect canvas for edible pieces of data. This shape complements commerce cards, advertisements, and banners.

rectangle logos are seen as gender-neutral shapes that pass on a sense of soundness and quality. In case you need to send a message of robustness and conservatism about your brand, consider the rectangle.

Some Examples of Rectangle logo are: Colgate, Ikea, Nintendo, Snickers, etc.

3. Triangles

Much like squares and rectangles, the sharp points of triangles shape a solid and impactful message to the watcher. This shape is utilized to speak to adjust, symbolizing concordance and symmetry. When finding the meaning of triangles, the foremost critical factor is which direction the point is confronting. Triangles alter their meaning totally based on whether they’re indicating up, down, cleared out, or right, and mix those implications for degrees in between.

A triangle has two meanings. An upward triangle signifies stability and immense power, while a downward triangle signifies instability. The mystical triangle also represents mysticism and the occult. The triangle also has a deeper spiritual connotation as it represents the union of body, mind and spirit, three vertices of a triangle.

If the triangle points left or right, it represents progress. Forward in the sense of moving forward, or backward in the sense of following or dwelling on the past. Consider the iconic “play” button on a video. It's worth noting which side represents which, depending on which direction the culture is reading. In Western cultures that read left to right, an arrow pointing right represents positive development. Some Examples of Triangle logos are: Airbnb, Google drive, Reebok, Mitsubishi, CAT, etc.

4. Circle:

The circle is considered "original perfection". Circles are associated with spiritual growth and self-realization or enlightenment. It represents wholeness and fulfillment. It also symbolizes cyclical movement. As a universal symbol, the circle represents infinity and the ultimate geometric symbol. Connected to the cycle of life, the circle is seen as a beginning, an end, and a beginning again. These rounded shapes have a comforting and calming effect. Optically, the round shape is pleasing to the eye. It is also emotionally pleasing as it induces a sense of well-being, carefreeness and inclusion. Circular shapes are common in nature and can bring calmness to your logo design. The round shape is perfect for wellness and hospitality brands.

To understand the meaning of circles, we must first understand one of the basic principles of optics. The human eye spontaneously follows lines. As the circle is a line without end, it represents both movement and completeness. In graphic design, this opens the door to many uses. As a background decoration or decorative shape such as building blocks in other images, circles look playful and graceful and calm the viewer. The circles never stop, and your eyes never stop when you look at them, giving you a childlike whim. Like circles, ovals and ellipses retain the same softness and malleability, making them popular logo shapes.

Some Examples of Circular logos are: Mercedes, Vodafone, Target, Pepsi, etc.

5. Lines:

Both vertical and horizontal lines can create different logo shapes. The line composition shows movement and innovation, perfect for technology logos and minimalist logos. In particular, vertical lines represent stability, progress, and growth, while horizontal lines represent fluidity and composure. If you use lines in your logo design or combine them with other logo shapes, try to recognize each line individually and as part of the whole. Consider the impact.

The logo can also consist of lines only. How you use lines in your logo design can affect what they mean to your audience. Vertical lines represent a sense of power and stability. They convey a sense of soaring and create vertical lines ideal for inspiring designs. In contrast to the upward movement of the vertical lines, the horizontal lines are very down to earth and provide a calm and comfortable feeling. I will tell you. If you're trying to convey security at work, consider designing a personal logo that includes a horizontal line. Finally, think about the diagonal of your logo. Unlike vertical lines that convey strength and horizontal lines that convey grounding, diagonal lines evoke a sense of unease. Horizontal lines transmits security. Designers prefer vertical lines when companies want to show their superiority and competitiveness over others. They convey power and dominance very well. Horizontal lines, on the other hand, are grounded and symbolic of communication. Some Examples of Line Logos are:Adidas, IBM, Soundcloud, Cisco

6. Curved Shapes:

Curves and waves take the fun and whimsical nature of circles and apply them to otherwise straight edges. A wave's strength (think "frequency") determines the amount of eye movement it causes. Like sharp edges, high-frequency wavy lines can be distracting, though to a lesser extent than jagged edges. Curved shapes, like naturally occurring shapes, are often irregular or bumpy. These shapes are less common, allowing you more freedom and creativity when it comes to designing your logo and the message your brand is trying to convey. You may have noticed that curved shapes are becoming more common in our everyday interactions, such as social media apps and business cards. This is no coincidence. Evolutionarily, humans avoid sharp corners and edges that are dangerous or harmful. Because of this, rounded edges are not only aesthetically pleasing, they are also easy on the eyes.

The curvilinear shape is dynamic and fluid, conveying agility and ingenuity. In fact, rounded corners in user interface design aren't just a design trend, they're an industry standard. Curved shapes and lines are safe and attractive, especially for food logos, fitness logos, and entertainment logos. Curved shapes, like naturally occurring shapes, are often irregular or bumpy. These shapes are less common, allowing you more freedom and creativity when it comes to designing your logo and the message your brand is trying to convey. Two of his most famous logos in the world, Coca-Cola and Disney, use curves to convey hilarious brand personas and help connect with audiences on a personal level. Some Examples of Curved Shaped Logos are: Olympics, Dove, Ubisoft, etc.

7. Abstract:

Abstract word comes from a Latin word which means detached. Abstract art forms are detached from reality and come to life in the minds of their creators. Abstract art forms can mean anything to anyone. The magic of abstraction is that it is unique and does not correspond to any known art form, whether traditional or contemporary.

Designers and brands use abstract logos and designs to convey their message in their own style. These designs are eye-catching and attract customers' attention very easily. The abstract design is be spoke to the company's tastes and preferences. Abstract designs can be the best way for businesses to build their brand image. However, when using abstract shapes, remember that the individual aspects you use retain the symbolism of the original shape. In other words, using the top half of a circle and the bottom half of a square creates an abstract shape that has both the playfulness of a circle and the seriousness of a square. Additionally, abstract shapes are very useful for creative brands and businesses that don't want to use literal shapes or images in their designs. Abstract shapes work well for both minimalist and modern logos as they offer flexibility and limitless creativity. Some Examples of Abstract Logos are:

Unilever, NBC, Toblerone, etc.

8. Spirals:

In terms of the principle that the eyes naturally follow the line, Spiral pursues this principle to the limit. They almost captivate the audience by maximizing the effect of the "pulling you in" circle, attracting and holding the viewer's attention. Spirals have a powerful effect in graphic design and should be used with caution. They're visually "busy," which counteracts any image of calmness and carefreeness. They're also very magnetic, so they tend to compete with other visuals nearby. On the other hand, when used alone and featured, Spiral can easily create dynamic and intense images.

Spirals are less common in logo design, but they are effective in conveying certain messages. For example, spirals are often associated with math and science, like the helical structure of DNA. The spiral shape is also a symbol of growth and fertility, making it ideal for medical logos. Some Examples of Spiral Logos are:

Atari, Adobe Acrobat, Ubisoft, etc.

9. Natural:

While nature-inspired designs are similar to organic designs and can be replaced by other things, nature-inspired designs are those designs that contain artifacts such as paintings or ink droplets. It goes one step further in the sense that it is Leaves, trees, mountains, animals, stars, and galaxies all fall into the category of nature-influenced designs. Natural shapes tend to be characterized by curved lines, so they share many characteristics with circles. They convey lightness and happiness fuelled by a connection with nature. However, organic shapes feel even less stable than circles because they are not geometric. In contrast to the mathematical precision of geometric shapes, they often appear chaotic and haphazard, giving a sense of both freedom and vulnerability.

Organic design inspired by nature has no negative connotations, so designers and brands use it to attract customers and tell them that their products are free of negative connotations. We use the received shapes for bio and eco-friendly brands and products. The complex systems of the creative process are sometimes expressed through designs inspired by nature. Some Examples of Natural Logos are: Animal Planet, Timberland, Starbucks, etc.

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